National Story Telling Week

This week I’ve mostly been painting stones!🖌️🎨

As it’s National Story Telling week, I thought I’d share characters and ideas through pebbles, so that the children (and adults) can create their own plots through looking and talking. I’ve also been painting a couple for birthdays too as they make a sweet personalised keepsake.

Story stones are fab for promoting the early language. At school, we like to hide them in the sandpit, so the children might find them randomly and we can challenge them to make up a short story with their friends. They encourage children to use their imagination, whilst using familiar images to help them to conjure up new ideas. I wonder who will find the ones I’ve left out this week…Couldn’t part with the squirrel though I love to draw and paint, as, with several hobbies, I don’t do it as often as I’d like. Anyone else?

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